This blog has been created and updated by the students in Mrs. Foster's 8th grade humanities class at Whitford Middle School in Beaverton, Oregon. These are their reviews and reccomendations on books that they have read this year.

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Location: Beaverton, Oregon, United States

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Fallen angels by Walter Dean Myers

Fallen Angels is a book about the war in Vietnam. It stars Perry, a private in the U.S army. Along the way, he makes a lot of friends, and goes into a lot of battles.
The book tells a lot about how things were back in the war from the eyes of a soldier. A lot of things are really realistic, like they really were. It uses a lot of death in the battle field, so it's not like nobody dies, because a lot do.
The book is also very gory, there is a lot of descriptions of death, how people died, and what they looked like after they were shot.
characters in the book are likable. They're just grunts in the army, so they like to cuss a lot. You can tell that they are authentic because in the real war, soldiers would not of liked being volunteered to go into a fire fight and get killed. It's the same way in this book. It almost makes you mad in the book how the sergeant volunteers his squad to go into battle so he can get a promotion.
The plot, I think was also very good. It's realistic, and usually action packed. There are only a few points that are a little boring, but the battle scenes are great. The boring parts are just slower than the rest of the book, but there are only a few, so it doesn't ruin the book at all.
The end is a little weird. The rest of the book was great, but the end was just weird. If you read this book, you probably won't like the end, but the rest of it is good. So, I would definitely recommend this book to anyone, but especially if you like books about Vietnam, or war in general.

Written and Published by Billy


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